Insurance Planning

Insurance planning is an important part of your overall financial plan. Insurance is one of the least expensive and most intelligent ways to protect you, your family, your business and your assets. It’s never too early or too late to start insurance planning. Bennie Camp Insurance will walk you through your risks and find an insurance plan that covers you, your business, and your loved ones. There is no “one size fits all” for insurance. You are unique and so are your needs.

Insurance is about diversifying your risk … a risk management tool to safeguard your future plans. A tool to protect your family and/or business for the future. You’ve worked hard and you don’t want your assets to go up in smoke and leave your family and business in financial ruin.

You also need to think of insurance planning as a continual process. It’s not a “buy it and you’re done”. You will have life changes, like having a baby, purchasing a home, starting a business, paying off your mortgage, or even divorce. Plan to work closely with your agent to re-evaluate your coverage yearly and when important life changes happen.

Life Insurance

One of the first places to start is life insurance. This important policy is a way to continue to provide for your family after you’re gone. It can help pay off debt and mortgage, pay your final expenses, provide a college fund for your children, and set your family up to continue on without a heavy financial burden. See our article on “How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?”.

Disability and Long-term Care

Disability and Long-term Care Insurance helps to replace a portion of your income if you become disabled and unable to work. Most employers have policies available for their employees, but if you are self-employed or your employer doesn’t offer this coverage it’s time to take a look at this type of policy. Bennie Camp Insurance will help you with the fine print of these policies so you are adequately protected.

Asset Coverage

Your home, your car, your possessions, and your toys (boats, RV’s, ATV’s, trailers, etc.) are some of the largest purchases you will make on credit and you need coverage. Lenders will require certain levels of coverage but that’s usually not enough. Homeowners and renters also need to think about the contents of their home and if they are covered. We will help you determine what coverage you will need to repair, replace, and protect your personal situation including lawsuit and umbrella liability coverage.

Business Coverage

If you are self-employed, you need to protect yourself, your family and your business. Maybe you use your personal vehicle for deliveries … did you know that your personal auto insurance may not cover you if you get in an accident? We can help you determine the right business liability coverage and commercial auto for you.


Health and medical insurance are usually available through employers, but not always. If you are self employed or your employers doesn’t offer coverage, you will need to seek coverage based on your health risks.

Begin your insurance plan today and make sure that you, your family and your business are covered! We’ll ask the right questions and help you find the right policies to suit your individual needs.